Review of the Bail Act 1982 (WA)

ALSWA prepared this submission in response to a review of the Bail Act 1982 (WA) being undertaken by the WA Department of the Attorney General. The review was prompted by Coronial comments arising from the Inquest into the death of Mr Ward. In its submission, ALSWA provided

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Prohibited Behaviour Orders Bill (WA) 2010

ALSWA provided this submission to members of the Western Australian Parliament to contribute to the debate against the Prohibited Behaviour Orders Bill (WA) 2010. In the submission, ALSWA strongly opposed the introduction of the Bill and submitted that existing penalties and offences in the Western Australian criminal

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Joint ATSILS Response Australian Government Draft UPR

This submission was prepared in response to the Australian Government’s draft National Report to the United Nation’s (UN) Universal Periodic Review (UPR) from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS), who are listed in the submission. The UPR offers the Australian Government a unique opportunity

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Indigenous Peoples and International Law

 Indigenous Peoples and International Law: Examples of Engagement and Guidance on Application in Australia   27 October 2010, Convention Centre, Melbourne WA National Community Legal Centre’s 2010 Conference ‘Breaking New Ground’   Presented by Ms Tammy Solonec, Managing Solicitor, Ms Seranie Gamble International Law and Human Rights

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Stranding of People after Contact with the Justice System

ALSWA Submission to the WA Department of the Attorney General – May 2008 In the criminal justice system, people are often stranded after being transported to court and receiving a non-custodial sentence or bail or upon their release from prison. In this submission, ALSWA raised concerns about

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Aboriginal Community Courts

ALSWA Submission to the WA Attorney General – June 2009 This submission outlines the success of the Aboriginal Community Courts in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and Norseman based on interviews with multiple stakeholders including court coordinators, Magistrates, ALSWA staff and prosecutors. The submission calls for an extension of community courts

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Inquiry into Access to Justice

ALSWA Submission to the Commonwealth Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs – July 2009 This submission focuses on the access of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in WA to legal representation and justice. This access is limited by the lack of a State-wide interpreter service

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