3rd March 2011
“On 27 January 2011 Australia’s human rights record was reviewed by the United Nations Human Rights Council. Thirty of the 145 recommendations for Australia to improve human rights referred directly to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Many other recommendations will also impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Australia has yet to accept or reject any recommendations choosing instead, to formally respond at the June 2011 session of the Human Rights Council. This is an opportunity for us as Australians to hold our Government accountable to the international human rights standards accepted by the rest of the world.”
Check out our UPR Fact Sheet, which contains useful links for more information about the UPR (see attached )
Check out the Recommendations referring to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (see attached)
Write a letter to the Attorney General (see attached template letter)
Check out the NATSILS Submission [link to our submission already on the website]
UPR Fact Sheet.pdf(314.87Kb)
Draft UPR Template Letter.doc(61.5 Kb)
UPR Reccommendations on the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.pdf (101 Kb)