Andy Matthews, ALSWA Criminal Law Unit Lawyer
Have you ever considered a career in law? Hear from ALSWA lawyer Andy Matthews, who was Admitted as a lawyer in 2000. He shares his views on law studies at UWA and working within WA’s justice system both in Perth and regional WA
Margaret Stephens ALSWA Civil Unit Legal Secretary
Soon after arriving in Australia in the late 1980’s, Margaret Stephens commenced an initial 3 month contract with ALSWA where she worked as part of the typing pool team. 22 years on, she is still withALSWA and reflects upon her work and the friendships made during these years.
Seranie Gamble, ALSWA Law and Advocacy Unit Human Rights Solicitor
What is the National Human Rights Action Plan? Seranie Gamble explains and also provides information about how YOU can get involved in ALSWA’s online petition about the Universal Periodic Review.