
How Does ALSWA Work Criminal Law Family Law Civil Law and Human Rights Law and Advocacy Services for Prisoners Community Legal Education and Law Reform Use of Private Lawyers How does ALSWA work? The Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia(Inc.)(ALSWA) provides legal representation and support services for

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After the Removal

After the Removal

A submission by the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (Inc) to the National Inquiry into Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families.

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Telling our Story

Telling our Story

In 1995 this was the first public research report of its kind undertaken in Western Australia. It documents an extraordinary chapter in the history of Aboriginal affairs examining the effect of government policies that saw thousands of Aboriginal children removed from their families and reared in missions, orphanages, reserves and white foster homes.

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United Nations Special Rapporteur Visit

MEDIA STATEMENT BY THE ABORIGINAL LEGAL SERVICE OF WA, 17 August 2009 MEDIA STATEMENT BY THE ABORIGINAL LEGAL SERVICE OF WA, 17 August 2009 Aboriginal leaders and representatives from key Indigenous organisations will gather in Perth tomorrow to meet with Professor S James Anaya, the United Nations

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