1 July 2011

ALSWA_LogoElection: 15 – 19th August 2011

Nominations Closed

Due to insufficient candidates from the Pilbara Regionthe election of an additional Member for the ALSWA’s Executive Committee (Pilbara Only) will be re-held from 15th August 2011 to 19th August 2011.

One Member has been previously nominated and accepted and one(1) Member is to be Elected.

Details of the Candiates and Polling venues is contained in the document below.

Pilbara Candidates and Polling venues (685 Kb)

Further information can be obtained from Peter Collins (ALSWA Returning Officer)

Ph: 08 9265 6601 or WA Freecall 1800 019 900
Fax: 08 9265 6688 Email: LTeh@als.org.au