Media Statement
New President for Legal Service
Yamatji woman Lorraine Whitby is the newly elected President of the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (ALSWA) Executive Committee. One of two Candidates representing the Murchison/Gascoyne Region, Mrs. Whitby has a long association with ALSWA’s 16 Member Board and has also previously represented the Central/Metropolitan region.
Voted in at the recent inaugural meeting of newly elected Committee Members Mrs. Whitby has embarked upon her new role with great enthusiasm and pride. “I am happy to be committed for the next three years to achieve what I perceive as the best outcome for the organisation which will include governance changes so that the organisation can meet and fulfil future opportunities. I am also grateful to ALSWA members who showed confidence in me through my re-election and Executive Committee Members who have placed their faith and trust in my leadership skills and ability” said Mrs. Whitby.
With a long-standing involvement on ALSWA’s Committee, Mrs. Whitby has gained a greater insight into the complexity of issues facing many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who come into contact with the justice system. “I wan’t to be a part of the solution and ensure that our own Culture and family values remain strong for the benefit of our future generations. ALSWA plays a major role within this State’s justice system and I have a great interest and commitment to addressing the issues that impact upon our Cultural survival now and for our future generations”.
ALSWA CEO Mr. Dennis Eggington said that the organisation was looking forward to working with the newly elected Board. “Our Executive Committee each bring a wealth of experience to their roles in representing their Communities in the Murchison/Gascoyne, Central/Metropolitan, Goldfields, Pilbara, Central Desert, Southern, East Kimberley, West Kimberley Regions. As a peak organisation in this State’s justice system we know that our Executive Committee Members will make invaluable contributions not only to our own organisation, but to the Communities which they also represent” said Mr. Eggington.
Lorraine Whitby (Murchison Gascoyne Region) PRESIDENT
Kathleen Musulin (Murchison Gascoyne Region)
Michael Blurton (Central/Metro)
Murray Yarran (Central / Metro)
Fay Sambo (Goldfields Region)
Ian Tucker (Goldfields Region) TREASURER
Beverly Thomas (Central Desert Region)
Preston Thomas (Central Desert)
Arthur Slater (Southern Region) VICE PRESIDENT
Trevor Eades (Southern Region)
John Green (East Kimberley Region)
Trevor Bedford (East Kimberley Region)
Kevin George (West Kimberley Region)
Kathy Watson (West Kimberley Region) SECRETARY
Phyllis Simmons (Pilbara)
2nd Pilbara representative to be advised following August 2011 Pilbara Election result