20 years on from the release of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) Report, we discuss some of the issues that are still faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples nationally, within the criminal justice system.
Tammy Solonec, Manager, ALSWA Law and Advocacy Unit
A Public March organised by ALSWA and the Deaths in Custody Watch Committee (WA) was held in Perth on Friday 15 April 2011 to mark 20 years since the release of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) Report. Tammy Solonec represented ALSWA at this significant event, and provides an overview of proceedings on the day.
Kylie Olney, Office of Road Safety Senior Policy Officer
Find out more about initiatives that are currently in place to try to reduce the over-representation of Aboriginal people in road trauma throughout WA.