A bequest links the desires of one generation to the achievements of the next. It can ensure that what is left behind is valued and used according to the bequestors’ ideals in conjunction with the ideals of the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Inc.
Thank you for taking an interest in helping to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples strive for justice. This information provides you with insight about what the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Inc. stands for when considering making a bequest in your Will.
ALSWA History spanning over 38 years
The ALSWA developed from the Justice Committee of the New Era Aboriginal Fellowship Inc. in the late 1960’s. In the early 70’s the Justice Committee set up a voluntary advisory legal service in Perth for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. A year later ALSWA was established in Perth with 2 lawyers, 3 Aboriginal court officers and a secretary and expanded into Narrogin and Port Hedland offices in 1974.
In 1975 ALSWA became an incorporated body, governed by an Aboriginal Executive Committee with a membership of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Today the ALSWA is the largest community based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal organisation in Australia providing legal aid services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout WA.
A desire to support future generations
How can you impact future generations? Your gift will support our efforts to ensure justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Western Australia. The work that ALSWA undertakes is broad including legal representation, human rights, community education and awareness, law reform and much more. You can also nominate your gift to a specific cause, for example, legal education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Kimberley.
Contributing to making your community stronger and better for current and future generations is an ideal we hold strongly. Education and awareness programs have a tremendous Impact upon communities and are known to reduce recidivism.
Our desire to impact current generations
ALSWA proactively seeks avenues to inform and invest into this generation.
ALSWA CEO Dennis Eggington was thrilled to be invited to Swan View SHS to meet with Access Program students and staff in September 2012. Dennis shared his own journey and discussed career pathways and the important role that ALSWA plays within the WA justice system.
“It was wonderful to meet with the young people and find out more about their studies and aspirations for the future. Education is a powerful tool and I was really inspired talking with the students and staff and finding out about the positive outcomes that are being achieved in this program”. “Our youth are the leaders of tomorrow and I am so proud that our young people are engaged in courses such as this which will benefit not only the students, but the wider community also”.
Stephanie, ALSWA Court Officer based in Meekatharra, says that it is “rewarding to be able to be a voice for those not fortunate enough to be able to speak up for themselves”. Stephanie also lets community members know about service providers who can assist in other areas. She fondly recalls a story that remains one of the driving forces behind her continuing work with ALSWA.
“One day I represented a fella for a driving matter and I spoke to him about his life and why he drove. I gave the Magistrate an extensive plea and spoke about his life and why he committed the offence, for which he received a Suspended Imprisonment Order.” A couple of days later he came to my office and said “I just want to say thank you for representing me. No one has ever spoken up for me like that and I really appreciate all the effort you put into it for me. Please don’t ever leave ALS because what you did for me was solid and because of you I can get my life on track.” I thanked him profusely and to this day, he has not re-offended”.
Social Justice Commissioner Mick Gooda, WA Chief Justice Wayne Martin and Tony Walley (Manager, Aboriginal Advisory Services, Court and Tribunal Services) are just some of the many guests who have featured on ALSWA’s Law Matters radio program. Produced and presented by the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (ALSWA) this fortnightly one hour program provides a greater insight into Australia’s justice system, people working within it, and the legal support and representation provided by ALSWA. Hear “Law Matters” every second Wednesday 11am-12 noon on 100.9FM 6NME (Repeated Sundays at 9pm)
You can have confidence in ALSWA
Incorporated in 1975, ALSWA has been providing legal services for over 38 years. All bequests and donations are managed responsibly by the Chief Financial Officer and overseen by the Chief Executive Officer. ALSWA applies good governance to all aspects of its operations and is a preferred supplier of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal services provision in Western Australia by the Federal Government. ALSWA accounts are audited by a professional external auditor each year and we are experienced in the management of trust accounts, investments and maintaining assets.
Including ALSWA in your Will
Incorporating a bequest in your Will is simple. After considering the needs of your family, you may wish to support the ongoing work of the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Inc. in achieving justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As a Will is a legal document it is advisable to seek legal advice when creating or altering your Will. Should you wish to make a bequest to the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Inc., we suggest an example of the wording you may wish to use:
“I bequeath to the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Inc. of Perth, Western Australia for its general purposes, or for a specific purpose [(the whole) or (a specific amount or gift) or (a percentage) or (the residue)] of my estate free of all duties, and I declare that the receipt of its treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executor.”
ALSWA welcomes the opportunity to meet with you and discuss your support through a bequest. Our Chief Executive Officer can help to develop a bequest which best reflects your interest in ALSWA’s work. For further information please contact Tina Ward, Chief Financial Officer in our Perth office. Your contribution will assist us with planning for the future and enables us to personally thank you for your generosity.