Intervention of the Indigenous Peoples Organisation of Australia at UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues – April 2010
This intervention and report concerns the alarmingly high and ever increasing rates of incarceration of Indigenous children and youth in Australia and around the world. It notes the legacy of historical abuse and the impact of past and present government policies and practices in contributing to the over-incarceration of Indigenous youth.
The Intervention and report recognise the need for multi-faceted and inter-related programs to overcome disadvantage and strengthen Indigenous youth as leaders of tomorrow and bearer’s of Indigenous culture. The Intervention and report calls upon the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues to urge all States to engage and consult with Indigenous peoples to identify causal factors for offending and incarceration and develop strategies that empower Indigenous peoples to overcome them.
Youth in Detention Intervention.pdf (262.54 Kb)
Youth in Detention Report and Intervention – apr 10 – unpfii.pdf (35.94Kb)
Attached to the report were submissions made by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS) for the Commonwealth Inquiry into the high level of involvement of Indigenous juveniles and young adults in the criminal justice system.