24 October 2014
Vale The Hon David Kingsley Malcolm AC QC
The Aboriginal Legal Service of WA was saddened to learn of the passing of The Hon David K Malcolm AC QC this week, a man of great vision who understood and cared about the plight of Aboriginal peoples.
Some years back, whilst in the role of Chief Justice of Western Australia, Mr. Malcolm delivered the Opening Address at the Official Opening of NAIDOC Week in Perth.
During his speech, he spoke about self determination, community, future and responsibility and reflected upon some of the Aboriginal people he had met over the years who had provided him with a greater insight into the struggles faced by many Aboriginal people.
“We will miss David Malcolm and remember always his contributions not only to the justice system in this state, but also to our Communities. He was an ethical man with great influence, who genuinely cared about equality, access to justice, reconciliation and self-determination and our thoughts are with his family and friends at this very sad time” said ALSWA CEO Dennis Eggington.