5th February 2024

When Roebourne temperatures soared to over 50 tortuous degrees during the summer of 2022, the WA Government announced in November of that year that $10 million dollars would be provided for air-conditioning to be installed in every cell at Roebourne Regional Prison (RRP).

With the tender process ending on 3rd January this year, the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Ltd (ALSWA), wrote to WA Corrective Services Minister Paul Papalia one month ahead of this, seeking an update.

The distressing outcome is that prisoners are still living in cells without air-conditioning, in conditions that could prove fatal from heat stress or heat stroke.

“Given record temperatures following extreme heat in the Pilbara this summer, the relentless heat places the lives of inmates at great risk and the government cannot drop the ball given the failure of the tender process. It needs to find a way, and quickly, to ensure that air conditioning is installed as a matter of urgency” said ALSWA CEO Wayne Nannup.

ALSWA remains extremely concerned about any further delays in the installation of air conditioning at RRP and urges the government to act swiftly. “WA cannot continue to wait and watch as the inmates stay locked up in such unacceptable, inhumane and life threatening conditions” said Mr. Nannup.