12thJune 2013


Lotterywest grant creates a fresh look for Aboriginal Legal Service WA

26 June 2013

Thanks to a Lotterywest grant, Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (ALSWA) offices in Perth and Kununurra will receive a long overdue refurbishment.

During a special function at ALSWA’s Perth head office today, the presentation of the grant was warmly welcomed by ALSWA’s Executive Committee, management and staff, who know only too well that the organisation has had to make-do with available furnishings and equipment since its inception almost forty years ago.

ALSWA CEO Dennis Eggington said it was wonderful for the organisation to be acknowledged for its work within the Community and gratefully acknowledged Lotterywest and their Board Member Ray Bennett for their ongoing support. “This grant means a great deal to our organisation for it enables ALSWA, a not-for-profit community organisation, to have access to infrastructure and facilities that we couldn’t afford to fund ourselves. Lotterywest must be commended for supporting communities in WA” he said.

Following a Nyoongar Welcome by Murray Yarran of ALSWA’s Executive Committee, Executive President Michael Blurton was presented with the $316,175 cheque by WA Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Hon Peter Collier.

In accepting the cheque, Mr. Blurton spoke of the organisations’ strong history in providing much needed legal support and representation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples at its fifteen statewide offices.

Peter Collier said that the grant will help ensure that ALSWA is able to keep up-to-date with the amenity offered by other law firms. “Their (ALSWA’s) work is very important to Western Australia, ensuring that those who need representation can access it. In addition, ALSWA is often a conduit between the Government and Aboriginal people on issues of law and justice, a role that can’t be underestimated” the Minister said.

Lotterywest Presentation 26 June 2013

Left to Right: Cliff Weeks Director Department of Aboriginal Affairs, Hon Peter Collier Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Dennis Eggington Chief Executive Officer Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia, Michael Blurton President Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia Executive Committee, Ray Bennett Lotterywest Board Member, Murray Yarran ALSWA Executive Committee Member