Guests: ALSWA’s Dennis Eggington, Monica Collard and Kenny Sutton
Dennis Eggington ALSWA Chief Executive Officer
Welcome to our very first ‘Law Matters program on 6NME! Find out more about ALSWA’s 36 year history and gain an insight into the issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within WA’s justice system.
Monica Collard ALSWA Criminal Unit Lawyer
Hear from Monica as she discusses her role within the Criminal Unit and working with our young people attending the Perth Children’s Court.
Kenny Sutton ALSWA Court Officer Unit Manager
Court Officers play a vital role within ALSWA and we find out more about this position and how diverse the work actually is in remote and regional WA.
Law Matters is produced and presented by the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (ALSWA).
Information in the Law Matters radio programs is of a general nature only and should not be used as legal advice for a specific legal matter. The information in these programs was correct at the time of broadcast, however the law may change at any time.
For legal advice contact your nearest Aboriginal Legal Service of WA office or Freecall from anywhere in Western Australia on 1800 019 900.
ALSWA gratefully acknowledges 100.9 FM Noongar Radio for permission to reproduce the Law Matters programs on our ALSWA website. For more information on 100.9 FM go to
It is only through the goodwill of our supporters that ALSWA can adequately advocate, lobby and provide a strong voice nationally and internationally on the continued struggles and inequality faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
ALSWA provides legal support and representation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in WA in Civil and Human Rights Law, Criminal Law, Family Law and Child protection with additional services in Bail Support Service and Prison In-Reach Program, Community Legal Education, Custody Notification Service, Work development Permit Service, Your Story Disability Legal Support and Youth Engagement Program.
For detailed information about the services ALSWA provides, click the button below: