This submission was made in response to the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia’s (LRC) Discussion Paper regarding the Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 (WA) (the Act). The LRC examined the application of the Act to juvenile reportable offenders and to certain adult reportable offenders who are considered to have committed a reportable offence in exceptional circumstances. The Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (Inc.) (ALSWA) acts for a number of clients affected by the Act, in particular children and young people. Our submission is limited to specific responses to the proposals and questions set out in Appendix A of the Discussion Paper. ALSWA supported a number of the proposals suggested by the LRC, for example exemptions and special treatment for juveniles in certain circumstances and regular reviews of the reporting frequency for juvenile offenders. ALSWA highlighted some of the difficulties for juvenile offenders with reporting obligations, especially in remote areas, and the need for reporting obligations to have a direct link to recognised sentencing principles of deterrence, denunciation and punishment.

Community Protection Offender Reporting Submission (550 Kb)