Law Matters Program 158, 14th October 2020

Dr. James Fitzpatrick from PATCHES Paediatrics talks about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) ALSWA Lawyer Alice Barter chats about recent outreach work in the East Pilbara region and ALSWA’s involvement in the Inquiry inti the WA Corruption and Crime Commission’s oversight of police misconduct investigations, particularly

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Law Matters Program 157, 30th September 2020

Jim Morrison yarns with us about YOKAI, which supports the social and emotional wellbeing of WA individuals and families adversely affected by policies and practices of separating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, communities, Country and Culture. There is a “Mogumber Mission” event

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Law Matters Program 156, 16th September 2020

Guests: Kriti Sharma, Author of Human Rights Watch Report (released yesterday): ‘He’s Never Coming Back’: People with Disabilities Dying in WA’s Prisons’; Dr Hannah McGlade about the solitary confinement of prisoners in WA; Gillian King, new Community Legal Education Officer (CLE) with the Aboriginal Legal Service of

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Law Matters Program 155, 2nd September 2020

Guests:  Roger Farley, Assistant Director Communication and Engagement for the Road Safety Commission -New mobile phone penalties from 1st September 2020; ALSWA Lawyer Hayley Barbarich talks about what assistance the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA can provide for community members sharing their story with the Disability Royal

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