A submission by the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (Inc) to the National Inquiry into Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families.
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A submission by the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (Inc) to the National Inquiry into Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families.
This 1996 submission follows on from the ALS report Telling Our Story, published in July 1995. It was made on behalf of the 710 Aboriginal clients who provided personal histories of their removal, or the removal of members of their families.
The submission includes, additional to those histories, an historical framework, empirical analysis of the effects of removal, and discussion on reparation and legal issues. Those issues include causes of action (including genocide) and international law obligations in regard to restitution, compensation and rehabilitation.
After the Removal also includes chapters on housing, health, aged care, education, local government, over-representation of adult Aboriginal persons within the criminal justice system, child welfare and juvenile justice.
The submission makes 166 recommendations on how governments can address the wrongs of the past, provide justice, and improve the socio-economic and cultural conditions of Aboriginal people today.
The book After the Removal is available for download here:
After The Removal (14.87 Mb)