20 November 2012
Aboriginal Legal Service a Human Rights Finalist
The Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (ALSWA) is proud to have been announced as a Finalist in the 2012 Human Rights Awards.
ALSWA CEO Dennis Eggington said that it was an honour to be named as a Finalist in the ‘Community Award – Organisation’ category.
“Human Rights is at the very core of our work within the justice system and ALSWA has had a human rights based approach to all that we do since our inception almost forty years ago” said Mr. Eggington.
This award category recognises a ‘non-government or community-based organisation with a proven track record in promoting and advancing human rights in the Australian community’.
“Our role is an incredibly complex, diverse and often challenging role but most importantly, it makes a vital contribution to this state’s justice system”.
Mr. Eggington said that being named as a Finalist in the 25th Human Rights Awards was testament to ALSWA’s dedicated staff at fifteen statewide offices who work tirelessly to ensure that there is a professional and culturally sensitive legal service available for Indigenous people, who are hugely over-represented within the court and prisons systems.
“We are thrilled to be acknowledged as a Finalist and are extremely proud that the work we do is making a difference in the lives of our people” said Mr. Eggington.
ALSWA congratulates all Finalists in this year’s Awards and the winners will be announced in Sydney on 10th December 2012.