The Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (ALSWA) congratulates Patricia Turner on her appointment as the new Chief Executive Officer of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO).
“Pat is an incredibly knowledgeable and skilled woman who has been such a groundbreaker in advancing the rights of Aboriginal people in this country. Her experience and commitment will greatly enhance the important work done by NACCHO” said ALSWA CEO Dennis Eggington.
Mr. Eggington believes that NACCHO’s role is vital in ensuring that Aboriginal people are at the forefront of providing holistic health care for Aboriginal Communities. “Health is such a concerning issue for our people around the country and as the national peak body representing over 150 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in health and wellbeing, NACCHO plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the health needs of our people are met, in the most appropriate way. It is extremely reassuring to know that Pat Turner will bring over four decades of knowledge and experience to this organisation, which has the capacity to benefit not only NACCHO and its ongoing work, but Aboriginal people across the country”.
ALSWA’s CEO believes that NACCHO is in extremely capable hands, with Pat Turner in the role of CEO. “I have no doubt that this is a challenging and demanding role, and Pat’s suitability for this is second to none.
Through ALSWA’s own work in law and justice, we know how important good health is for our people, so we wish NACCHO the very best in their continued work.
We also commend Pat Turner on her tireless work over many years and know that NACCHO will benefit greatly from her high level experience in the government and community sector resulting in wonderful benefits for all, within the Aboriginal health sector”.